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941. [AMS executive at the Great Farm Trek 2009] [AMS executive at the Great Farm Trek 2009] Protest movements; Farms; Student organizations; Farming AMS VP External Affairs planting a tree at the Great Farm Trek 2009

942. [AMS President and executive at the Great Farm Trek 2009] [AMS President and executive at the Great Farm Trek 2009] Protest movements; Farms; Student organizations; Farming AMS VP External Affairs and President planting a tree at the Great Farm Trek 2009

943. [AMS executive at the Great Farm Trek 2009] [AMS executive at the Great Farm Trek 2009] Protest movements; Farms; Student organizations; Farming AMS VP External Affairs planting a tree at the Great Farm Trek 2009

944. [AMS President at the Great Farm Trek 2009] [AMS President at the Great Farm Trek 2009] Protest movements; Farms; Student organizations; Farming AMS President planting a tree at the Great Farm Trek 2009

945. [AMS President and executive at the Great Farm Trek 2009] [AMS President and executive at the Great Farm Trek 2009] Protest movements; Farms; Student organizations; Farming AMS President and VP External Affairs planting trees at the Great Farm Trek 2009

946. [AMS executive at the Great Farm Trek 2009] [AMS executive at the Great Farm Trek 2009] Protest movements; Farms; Student organizations; Farming AMS VP External Affairs planting a tree

947. [AMS President and others at the Great Farm Trek 2009] [AMS President and others at the Great Farm Trek 2009] Protest movements; Farms; Student organizations; Farming AMS President planting with a woman and a child at the Great Farm Trek 2009

948. [AMS President at the Great Farm Trek 2009] [AMS President at the Great Farm Trek 2009] Protest movements; Farms; Student organizations; Farming AMS President planting with a woman and a child at the Great Farm Trek 2009

949. [AMS executives planting at the Great Farm Trek 2009] [AMS executives planting at the Great Farm Trek 2009] Protest movements; Farms; Student organizations; Farming AMS VP External and Presidents planting at the Great Farm Trek 2009

950. [AMS President at the Great Farm Trek 2009] [AMS President at the Great Farm Trek 2009] Protest movements; Farms; Student organizations; Farming AMS President planting at the Great Farm Trek 2009

951. [AMS executive at the Great Farm Trek 2009] [AMS executive at the Great Farm Trek 2009] Protest movements; Farms; Student organizations; Kissing AMS VP External Affairs kissing a plant at the Great Farm Trek 2009

952. [AMS President and executive at the Great Farm Trek 2009] [AMS President and executive at the Great Farm Trek 2009] Protest movements; Farms; Student organizations; Marching; Banners AMS VP External Affairs and President holding banner at the front of the Great Farm Trek

953. [AMS executive at the Great Farm Trek 2009] [AMS executive at the Great Farm Trek 2009] Protest movements; Farms; Student organizations; Megaphones AMS VP External Affairs yelling into a microphone at the Great Farm Trek 2009

954. [Great Farm Trek 2009 march with AMS President] [Great Farm Trek 2009 march with AMS President] Protest movements; Farms; Student organizations; Picket signs; Banners Great Farm Trek 2009 march with AMS President at the front holding a Save the UBC Farm banner

955. [AMS President and executive at the Great Farm Trek 2009] [AMS President and executive at the Great Farm Trek 2009] Protest movements; Farms; Student organizations; Picket signs; Banners Great Farm Trek 2009 march with AMS VP External Affairs and President holding banner at the front

956. [AMS President at the Great Farm Trek 2009] [AMS President at the Great Farm Trek 2009] Protest movements; Farms; Student organizations; Public speaking AMS President speaking at the Great Farm Trek 2009

957. [Friends of the Farm President at the Great Farm Trek 2009] [Friends of the Farm President at the Great Farm Trek 2009] Protest movements; Farms; Student organizations; Public speaking President of the Friends of the UBC Farm speaking at the Great Farm Trek 2009

958. [Spokesperson for Friends of the UBC Farm at the Great Farm Trek 2009] [Spokesperson for Friends of the UBC Farm at the Great Farm Trek 2009] Protest movements; Farms; Student organizations; Public speaking Caretaker of the Friends of the UBC Farm speaking at the Great Trek 2009

959. [Spokesperson for Friends of the UBC Farm at the Great Farm Trek 2009] [Spokesperson for Friends of the UBC Farm at the Great Farm Trek 2009] Protest movements; Farms; Student organizations; Public speaking Caretaker of the Friends of the UBC Farm speaking at the Great Trek 2009

960. [Great Farm Trek 2009] [Great Farm Trek 2009] Protest movements; Farms; Student organizations; Public speaking AMS staff speaking at Great Farm Trek 2009
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